The Supervision Agreement at TU Berlin: What You Need to Know

If you are a doctoral or postdoctoral candidate at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin), you may already be familiar with the Supervision Agreement. However, if you are new to the university, or are considering pursuing a postgraduate degree at TU Berlin, it is important to understand what this agreement entails.

What is the Supervision Agreement?

The Supervision Agreement is a formal document that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of doctoral and postdoctoral candidates, their supervisors, and TU Berlin. It is a legally binding agreement that recognizes the intellectual property rights of all parties involved in the research process.

The agreement is typically signed at the beginning of a doctoral or postdoctoral program, and is designed to promote transparency, clarity, and accountability throughout the research process.

What does the Supervision Agreement cover?

The Supervision Agreement covers a wide range of topics related to the doctoral or postdoctoral research process. Some of the main areas covered by the agreement include:

– The roles and responsibilities of the doctoral or postdoctoral candidate, their supervisor, and TU Berlin

– The scope and objectives of the research project

– The resources and facilities available to the candidate, including access to research materials and equipment

– The timeline for completing the research project, including milestones and deadlines

– The procedures for reporting and addressing any issues or concerns that arise during the research process

– The intellectual property rights of all parties involved in the research project, including ownership and publication rights

Why is the Supervision Agreement important?

The Supervision Agreement is an essential tool for ensuring that the research process is conducted in a fair and transparent manner. By clearly outlining the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved, the agreement helps to minimize misunderstandings and conflict that can arise during the research process.

In addition, the agreement helps to protect the intellectual property rights of the doctoral or postdoctoral candidate, their supervisor, and TU Berlin. With clear guidelines for ownership and publication rights, the agreement ensures that all parties are appropriately acknowledged and compensated for their contributions to the research project.

Finally, the Supervision Agreement helps to promote the high standards of academic excellence and integrity that are expected at TU Berlin. By creating a formal structure for supervision and accountability, the agreement helps to ensure that all research projects are conducted in a manner that upholds the university`s reputation for academic excellence.


The Supervision Agreement is an essential tool for promoting transparency, clarity, and accountability throughout the doctoral and postdoctoral research process at TU Berlin. By clearly outlining the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved, and ensuring that intellectual property rights are protected, the agreement helps to promote fair and transparent research practices that uphold the university`s commitment to academic excellence.