As a professional, it is important to understand the ins and outs of certain legal agreements such as a private split dollar agreement. A private split dollar agreement is a type of executive compensation agreement that is designed to provide certain benefits to executives of a company. In this article, we will discuss what a private split dollar agreement is, why it is beneficial, and how it works.

What is a Private Split Dollar Agreement?

A private split dollar agreement is a contractual agreement between an employer and employee that allows the employee to receive certain benefits from the employer while contributing some of the premiums. This type of agreement is common in executive compensation plans. The executive and the employer both pay premiums on the life insurance policy that is owned by the employer. The policy`s proceeds are then split between the executive and the employer.

Why are Private Split Dollar Agreements Beneficial?

Private split dollar agreements provide several benefits to employers and executives. From an employer`s perspective, it is an excellent way to attract and retain top executive talent. It also provides a tax-deductible way for the employer to provide benefits to the employee. From an executive`s perspective, it provides a way to accumulate savings that can be used for retirement or other financial goals. Additionally, under this agreement, the executive`s family can benefit from a life insurance policy that is paid for by the employer.

How Does a Private Split Dollar Agreement Work?

In a private split dollar agreement, the employer can be the owner of the insurance policy, or the policy can be owned by a trust. The executive and the employer both pay premiums on the policy. The premiums paid by the executive are treated as loans from the employer. The loans are then repaid from the policy`s death benefits or cash value.

The amount of the split between the executive and the employer can vary based on the agreement`s terms. The split can be 50/50 or any other agreed-upon percentage. The amount of the premium paid by the employer is considered taxable income to the executive, but the amount of the policy`s benefits is tax-free. On the other hand, the premium paid by the executive is considered a loan, so there is no tax liability.


In summary, a private split dollar agreement is a type of executive compensation agreement that is designed to provide certain benefits to executives of a company. This type of agreement is beneficial to both employers and executives because it provides a tax-deductible way for employers to provide benefits and allows executives to accumulate savings that can be used for retirement or other financial goals. As a professional, it is important to understand the nuances of legal agreements such as a private split dollar agreement to ensure that your clients have content that is accurate and informative.